Privacy policy

Paratus Energy Services Ltd will not collect any information about individuals, except where it is specifically and knowingly provided by them.

Paratus Energy process your personal information when you visit our website, use our services or interact with us. We do this to deliver our services and products. If you consent, we may also process your information for other purposes.

Paratus Energy will always process your information according to strong criteria of privacy. This policy document present how we gather information and to what end. It also presents how we safeguard your information, who we share data with, and your privacy rights.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data. Examples of personal data are a name and surname, a home address, an email address, cell phone number, an identification card number, an Internet Protocol (IP) address or the advertising identifier of your phone. All uses of personal date (gathering, registering, storage or sharing) is considered data processing.

Who is the data controller?

Paratus Energy (Par-La-Ville Place, 14 Par-La-Ville Road, Hamilton, HM 08 Bermuda) is the data controller and responsible party to any data gathered through our websites, services or any form of interaction with us.

A company that process data on our behalf is referred to as a data processor. Any cooperation is regulated by a data processing agreement. The same applies if Paratus Energy is a data processor for our customers.

What types of personal data do we process?

Paratus Energy process the following data categories:

  • Basic information like name and contact details (email, phone number etc.).
  • Demographic data like gender and d.o.b.
  • Information regarding yours, or your employer’s, relationship with us. This may be service- or purchase information, payment information or any communication with us.
  • Data about your visit to our website. E.g. date and time, type of device, operating system and browser, IP-address.
  • Data gathered after consent. If so, you will be informed about type of data and purpose of the data gathering.

To give us access to your personal data is voluntary. In some cases, data may however be necessary to contact you, deliver services et al.

How do we gather your data?

We gather data in several ways:

  • Directly from you when you register for our events or communicate with us. This information is necessary to deliver our services.
  • Indirectly from you when you use our services, visit our website et al. This data is essential for improving and tailor our services.
  • From public information or through our partners whose distribution channels are linked with ours. This data is essential for improving and tailor our services.

Why do we process data?

Paratus Energy process personal data for several reasons:

  • Deliver products and services: we process data to fulfill contract obligations, billing and administration of client relationships. We also process data to provide the best possible user experience, like automatic log in and customized content.
  • Development and analysis: we use analytical software to evaluate visits to our website. We measure the number of visits, their duration, origin, what sub-sites that are visited. Statistics are usually processed at an aggregated level. This means that the data is not connected to you personally.
  • Sale and marketing: we use anonymized data for marketing purposes. All processing is according to current legislature. Activities include marketing of products and services, tailoring to target audiences, distribution of newsletters and requested information.
  • Job applications: we process personal data to assess job applicants.
  • Information security and abuse of services: we may process data to avoid various forms of fraud.
  • Required processing: we process personal data to comply with legal and financial obligations set by local authorities.
  • Consensual: we may process personal data by consent.


Why can we process personal data?

Our processing of your personal data can be authorized under the following conditions: i) your consent, ii) to fulfill a contract or agreement with you, iii) fulfill a legal obligation, iv) for a purpose defined as legitimate interest.

Safeguarding your personal data

Paratus Energy have established infrastructure, policy and routines to make sure your personal data is secure. All processing complies with current legislature. Measures include, but are not limited to, regular risk analyses, technical systems and physical procedures to strengthen and maintain information security and rights of data subjects.

When do we delete data?

Paratus Energy only store data for fulfilling our contractual obligation, provide services, or complete purpose of processing. If you find any errors in your personal data, we ask that you contact us. You are also welcome to contact us if you want your information deleted.

Who do we share data with?

Unless we have your consent, your data will only be shared if necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations. We will also share data with our technical suppliers. All transfers are done according to guidelines for processing of personal data. When so obliged under law, we will submit data to the authorities.


Your rights

Privacy laws secures several rights for the individual (data subject), including the right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and notification.  It is important to us that your data is correct. If you discover any errors or faults, or want your data deleted, please contact us.

The right of erasure does not apply if the data is necessary to provide a requested service or if Paratus Energy is legally obliged to store the data for a stated period.

You also have the right to data portability. This means that you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You may then choose to transmit those data to another party.

You can restrict the processing of your data, profiling and automated decisions. This includes the right to refuse analysis of your preferences, abilities or needs. However, this right is limited if you have previously consented to the processing or if the processing is necessary to fulfill an agreement with us.

Is you believe that we are not fulfilling the terms stated in this privacy policy or current legislature, please contact us. You also have the right to report us to the local supervisory authority (Datatilsynet).

Changes to our privacy policy

Paratus Energy will regularly evaluate our privacy policy to make sure it is updated, understandable and in accordance with current legislature.

Use of cookies

We use cookies to log visitors to The purpose of the data collection is statistical and to improve our services. You can refuse by changing the settings of your browser. This may however limit your access to our services. Read more about our use of cookies bellow.

Contact information

If you have any questions or want to invoke any of your rights, please do not hesitate to email us at 

About cookies and privacy

Paratus Energy is the data controller for the collection and processing of personal data for the website The purpose of the data collection is to evaluation and improvement of our website. Additionally, data may be used for marketing purposes. For data collection, uses miniscule text files stored on your devices, commonly known as cookies.

When visiting, the following information is collected:

  • Type of browser and operative system
  • Your location
  • Time and date of visit
  • What pages you visit and for how long
  • How you entered the website (by google, Facebook, directly in browser etc.)

We use different type of cookies. Some are deleted immediately (session cookies), others are stored in your browser until a set time (permanent cookies). If your browser settings consent to use of cookies, you automatically consent to this websites use of cookies. Please follow links to delete cookies from your browser:

Internet Explorer



Safari Web and iOS.

We use the following cookies:

Google Analytics: we store anonymous information about your visit for statistical purposes. This is done through a third party’s session cookies and permanent cookies. See Google’s privacy policy here: